Blue Sky Update – May 2023

This month has been more stressful than usual for all sorts of reasons. At some point, I’ll write more about it, but for the moment, here is my round-up for May as a coach, writer, and human being.

‘A change is gonna come.’

Today I am feeling reflective and taking some time to ponder on where we are, given that today is the third anniversary of George Floyd.

I have been reflecting on the words, ‘Change is gonna come,’ written in 1963 by the incomparable Sam Cooke as a protest song supporting the Civil Rights Movement and his struggles as a black man. I am also thinking about my dad and all he went through when he came to the UK from the Caribbean in the late fifties to build a new life.

I have to believe that change is coming.

Move over Mozart

There is a new kid on the block. Often when I write, I am plugged into Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro. I find it calms the anxious part of my brain. But recently, thank you @Jayne Saul Patarson, for the introduction; I have been tuning into Sona Jobarteh, a Gambian, multi-instrumentalist, singer, and composer best known for her song, Gambia. She is fast becoming a firm favourite, and I’m interested that her music has the same effect on me as Mozart.

Because when faced with a tricky or emotionally intense piece of writing, having the right music in my ear helps get me started and helps keep me going. It tunes out the voice that says; this is too difficult for you, Janice, so why bother?’ And does so without distracting me.

Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated.

I have no idea who said this; I can find no fixed attribution, but whoever you are, thank you. This week, I have been enjoying @JennyGarett s interviews with the coaches @DiverseExecutiveCoachNetwork and learning something new from each one.

More and more, I am appreciating this evolving community for the generosity and support it offers me as a coach. I did not realise how much I needed this until I became a member, and what a blessing it is to be amongst people where we are all honoured.

So, who are the people who celebrate you?

Be fully absent so you can be fully present.

With increasing workloads, whether working from home, hybrid working or permanently at the office – how many of us are taking the time to rest and recharge fully?

So, I am dusting it off and sharing it again, as I first posted this article in 2017, before COVID and the Pandemic – which seems almost a lifetime ago, well, at least to me.

Also, timely as we are at the start of Mental Health Awareness Month.

And I still like the Yoda quote, ‘Do. Or do not. There is no try.’

So, what do you need to get on and do to protect your health and well-being?

Until next month
