This month’s post from careerresilience all about thriving despite how you feel.
As I write this, I must admit that for a variety of reasons October and November are difficult months for me. It’s the same each year as I find that everything drops like a stone, my energy levels, confidence and motivation. These are the months when I’m most likely to feel like sh*t and can barely be arsed. Though to be fair this usually disappears once Christmas has passed and normally I am content to wait it out. But this year I am going to try something different, just to see what happens. Instead of hunkering down in survival mode, I am making the decision to thrive, despite how I feel.
So, this month’s post is all about what it means to thrive and I’m going to use this simple statement:
I am choosing to thrive, despite how I feel.

If you want to read thr rest please click here:
Hope you enjoy!