![photo credit: kevin dooley via](https://blueskycareerconsulting.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/small_4208084301.jpg)
What are the things that bring you joy? As time passes I become more and more convinced of the need to:
“Find the things that bring you joy, and then just simply go out and do them’. No excuses, no procrastination, no waiting for that ‘just perfect’ moment, just do them.”
So in no particular order, here are some of the things that continue to bring me joy:
Watching my daughter progress and become stronger at her swimming. It has taken a long time for her to gain confidence and feel comfortable in the water. I find it a ‘joy’ to watch her as she ploughs up and down the lanes. Alas as I write this the regular swimming sessions have stopped, but I still take joy in knowing how far she has come with this.
The sheer process of writing and getting my thoughts down on paper, for me is deeply satisfying, especially in relation to my blogs, Pittabread, Careerresilience and now BlueSky. I always finish each post with a real sense of achievement; there is something about just getting them ‘out’ there.
Singing for me is another source of joy I sing at church I have always enjoyed hymns and carols. For the past three years I have been singing as part of a gospel choir. I can’t fully describe the sheer joy I get from singing with such a large and friendly choir. Just about every single recording I have from our practice sessions has laughter on it.
Playing the piano is another source of joy, after three years I have passed my first exam and am now working towards my next.
And finally
Clear blue skies on a ‘free’ day, where I don’t need to be anywhere. I can ‘potter’ around in my own time and to my own agenda. Absolute bliss!
So what do you take joy in and if it’s not a regular part of your life, what are you going to do about it?
Photo Credit: href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/4208084301/”>kevin dooley</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/”>cc</a>