This month it’s all about perseverance and grit:
What keeps you going when times are tough and work isn’t going so well or it just feels like you are ‘wading through treacle’? Your progress seems inordinately slow and you might even wonder if you are in fact moving backward.
I know for me, there is a certain stubbornness in my nature, (I don’t always want to admit I might be on the wrong track).
There is a certain level of ‘grit’, in my makeup and I also know that there are times when I need to get my head down, put the work in and just keep going.
Sometimes the break through comes at the moment you least expect it, the ‘darkest hour is just before the dawn’- Thomas Fuller.
How many people have given up just at the point they were about to reach their ‘breakthrough’?
So, how might you be able to encourage and support yourself when times are tough?

To find out more visit this month’s post on careerresilience
Hope you enjoy.