This month’s recap of my life as a career coach, writer, and human being.
Update – Friday 2nd October 2020
Be like Fred
I remember on more than one occasion coming home from school to find, Fred one of our tortoises wandering happily down the lane towards the seawall.
Tortoises are not generally known for their agility. So, it was no mean feat, for Fred to hoist himself up the step to our back door, crawl through our living room, meander along the passage-way, and then make his way down the garden path to the lane. Growing up with tortoises, I learnt that they are more agile and speedy than you would initially imagine.
In these current times, I think that this might be what looking for a job is like – a marathon that is going to need consistent and sustainable effort over time. Whatever kept Fred going, difficult to gauge, of course, it was enough for him to keep making his bid for freedom.
So, whatever it is for you, be like Fred and keep going.
Update – Friday 9th October 2020
When times are tough, keep going. My checklist for encouraging and motivating yourself.

When times are tough, keep going.
Update: Friday 16th October 2020
Six random ideas every morning
This suggestion dropped into my mailbox at the start of the week, and as I journal, I thought I would add it to my daily routine. I like the fact that it was specific and action-oriented.
So at the end of my first week, I now have a collection of 30 random ideas; from setting up a Bovril challenge (might take too long), to writing a story about the secret life of a CV (this might have legs) to submitting a sculpted piece to the Royal Academy (how hard can it be?) to collating useful and human LinkedIn connections for my coaching clients (this will need further research)
Coming up with six random ideas each morning has been a great way to start my day, and I intend to continue with it for the foreseeable future.
So, thank you, Jim Connolly.
Update – Friday 23rd October 2020
Did you know that in 1482 Leonardo Da Vinci – put pen to paper and sent off the first-ever CV to the Duke of Milan?
Curious about the history of CVs, I was surprised to find that the very first was sent out over five hundred years ago. And it seems it did the trick because Leonardo, then walked away from two existing commissions to go and work for the Duke.
I mention this because, on occasion, clients need help with reviewing and updating their CVs; they cannot always see the wood for the trees. Fresh eyes can provide a fresh perspective.
There is no absolute right or wrong with CVs, but generally, I would say three things:
- Less is more, less scattergun, more targeted and focused in where you send.
- Consider how you create a positive first impression.
- Send out only what you can stand behind and evidence.
For those who want to read more about Leonardo, the link is here.
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Update – Friday 30th October 2020
Now is not the right time to change career.
Is this true?
Do you take the sensible path or follow your heart and passions?
In all honesty, I think anytime might be right if you plan, act, and adapt.
For many, of us, different things will affect how we see our options, whether it is feasible to make the change in one leap or ease ourselves across over time.
And this is where I think a SWOT analysis might provide a helpful framework for considering strengths/weaknesses relevant to the environment in which you find yourself. It’s the specificity that makes it so useful, so if you want to read here is my take on it:
Until next time