Blue Sky Update – July 2024

July has been a quieter month, and I am relieved to have had the time to catch up with myself. So, here is my round-up for June as a coach, writer and human being. 😊

Beautiful Betty

Sitting by the sea as I often do after a swim – I noticed this plaque for the first time:

I have no idea who Betty is, but seeing this inscription on the back of the bench reminded me of the quote by Maya Angelou:

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’

I can only imagine that Betty, whoever she was, made at least one person feel beautiful enough for them to commission and place an engraving on a bench by the sea.

There is no other information, just two simple words someone thought enough to describe a person’s life and impact.

I wonder how much time Betty spent by the sea and the significance this bench might have held for her. What made her beautiful, her smile, her eyes, her personality? I will never know, but what a wonderful way to honour someone’s memory.

Simple and to the point – Beautiful Betty.

Who else is on Medium?

 Recently, I have noticed a steady increase in my follower numbers on Medium. My posts on this platform exemplify my random, somewhat quirky views on life and to date, I have posted over thirty articles and stories.

Some of my favourites include:

It’s probably the way I am wired – finally recognising my Dyslexia and how it impacts my life.

The power of journaling – my practice with it and the joy it brings me.

A letter to the Queen – an old favourite based on the last time I was employed. It is probably just as well that I left to start my own business 😉.

Making sure your dreams are big enough – is about giving them the space they need.

Quick call the counsel; there is a rat in Islington – it describes an incident that I’m still teased about by the family today but shows what can happen when you take yourself a little too seriously.

And from my stories:

Cards on the Table and A Strange Comfort –  are two stories based on imagined conversations between Thomas Cromwell and Anne Boleyn. Some of you will already know that I am a huge fan of the late Hilary Mantel.

Gloria, the Reluctant Guardian Angel – the result of a writing exercise on hyperbole because why wouldn’t you turn yourself into an infinite being?

Strangely, I feel more emboldened on Medium to mix things up a little.

So, I am curious: if you are on Medium, what are you posting?

Relieved but cautious

 Waking up on July 5th to a Labour government – I was deeply and profoundly relieved that we voted for change. But I now realise I am also cautious. I don’t quite feel like cartwheeling down the street or jumping for joy. The question is, why?

Because after fourteen years of Tory government, there has been a shift in how much I can trust. Moving forward, I will look at deeds, not words, so that, hopefully, my trust grows as I see what this administration delivers.

I am not interested in sound bites, platitudes, or photo opportunities. I want to see graft and know that we, the voters, can hold them accountable.

We have a Labour government, which is fantastic. I make no bones about that. Now, let’s see that they deliver on their words, promises, and manifesto. Trust must be earned.

Over to you, Prime Minister.

Change versus Transition

As we move into the second half of the year (where did that time go?), it seems an excellent time to reflect on your year and how you might continue to move forward in 2024. What changes have you yet to make? How are you making sense of the year so far? What stories are you telling yourself?

It’s funny how, when going about your business, you somehow stumble across an idea that seems so blindingly obvious that you wonder how you managed to miss it. While checking through some of the book recommendations via a discussion on the #DiverseExecutiveCoachDirectory, I came across two book titles. There were others, but these were the two that caught my eye:

Transitions – Making Sense of Life’s Changes by William Bridges

Higher Purpose – How to Find More Inspiration, Meaning and Purpose in Your Life, by Robert Holden.

Both are now on order, as I will be accessing the wisdom of these books as I instigate some changes of my own. I am, however, intrigued by William Bridges’s idea of change versus transition. I want to learn what he says about external change events and how we can re-orientate and rebalance ourselves through an internal transition process. The way in which the transition process can help us make sense of the change and come to terms with it.

In the meantime, I am still adding to the Trello resource – Rethink Your Career.

Until next time.


