Blue Sky Update – August 2022

August – the month we declared a drought in some parts of the UK, then we had some rain. And now I am thankful for cooler days. Here is my round-up for August as a coach, writer, and human being.

Plan your Career Change – questions and resources

It’s a short one today as I am still mainly in holiday mode, but I started collecting resources via Trello a few months ago under the following headings:

  • Exploring Options
  • Your Action
  • Networking
  • CVs and Applications
  • Interviews

I plan to continue adding in resources as I find them and write them.

Where do you find your inspiration?

The beautiful thing about inspiration is that it can come at you from anywhere – films, songs, art, books, chance conversations. I am a bit of a film buff, and the lines below are from a few of my favourite films. Some I think are powerful enough to stand on their own, and others make me laugh.

  • ‘You can get busy living or get busy dying.’
  • ‘There are a million things one might do with a block of wood. But what do you think might happen if someone just once believed in it.’
  • ‘Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.’
  • ‘The chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.’
  • ‘Come with me if you want to live.’
  • Clink, Clink ……..Clink, Clink
  • ‘Well, nobody’s perfect.’

So, what do you think? What might inspire you?

Our GCSE Manifesto…

It is almost that time of year again when children in the UK will receive their results from the first batch of in-person exams since 2019. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to be through to the other side of GCSEs and A ‘levels – to have left all that behind.


As a parent, I found this to be one of the most stressful times of our daughter’s school life. So much so that I wrote a blog to work the frustration and angst out of my system. We did well, I believe, in getting her through school relatively unscathed.

For those of you who might need this, here is our GCSE manifesto:

The wisdom of Yoda

‘Do or do not. There is no try’ – Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back.

I’ve included this quote in a course I am due to deliver in September, so I will be interested to see if there are fans of Star Wars in my group.

And for those who might need to hear this today, it is a lesson in commitment and the power of giving something our all – not just dipping in a toe.

As a coach – I often listen for the word try as it can weaken intent and give people a ‘get out.’ I will also share this with my new coach, as there are some things I need to get cracking on.

So, what will you commit to in the coming months?

Until next time

