Blue Sky Update – December 2020

This month’s recap of my life as a career coach, writer, and human being. My life and work in retrospective.

Update – Friday 4th December 2020

And I am onto the next one, journal twenty in my growing collection. I have been filling these since December 2017, and still enjoying the benefits of journaling every day. Who knows what 2021 will bring, but just seeing the cover to this leaves me feeling both curious and optimistic.

And talking of curiosity, how often are you checking-in with yourself?


I am learning to check in daily and ask myself with compassionate curiosity:

  • What have I struggled with today?
  • What has made me feel at my most vulnerable?
  • What has energised and uplifted me?
  • How am I grateful?

Just a few of the things that I can fill my journals with ?.

Update – Friday 11th December 2020

 Done not perfect – my mantra for today.

A few weeks ago, I shared a post about creating a Trello based resource, based on questions that people might ask themselves if considering a career change.

I had planned to tinker around with it a little more before making it public, but now I think it would be more useful to get some feedback, test the waters, and see what does and does not work. I am curious to learn how I can hone and refine this tool as time passes. And to be honest, it might help me to share more of my blogs.

I already have a few ideas for future boards, on more specific topics:

Thank you, Wendy Keir, for your thoughts yesterday on using Trello with clients on your, ‘How to get out of your own way’, masterclass.

For everyone else, have a browse, here.

Update: Friday 18th December 2020

Since sending my first three thousand words to my writing mentor, I have been slightly on edge for the past month. Waiting to see what he would make of the first two stories from the collection I have been working on for the past couple of years. The idea is that he will help me to knock my collection into shape before I start sending out query letters to publishers and agents.

Then on Wednesday, I was delighted to receive an email with his extensive feedback. It was a lovely surprise to have it drop into my mailbox before the Christmas break; I was beginning to think he might be too busy to get something across before the end of the year.

But it was more than worth the wait; his feedback was thoughtful, considered and, encouraging. I have work to do, and it is still early days. But with this level of support, I am excited to see what will happen with my collection in 2021.

And in these times we all need someone in our corner.

Wishing you all, love, peace, and joy for the holiday season.

Until next month


